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Number of Languages Services

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Helping immigrants integrate into society through advocating, educating, and upholding the civil and human rights of immigrant and refugee communities.

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Pre-purchase & Post-purchase Counseling, Foreclosure Prevention, Rental Assistance, Homebuyer's Workshop, and more

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Updated information coming soon. dated information coming soon.dated information coming soon.

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Updated information coming soon. Updated information coming soon.Updated information coming soon.Updated information coming soon

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ACA, Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP), Victim Services, Benefits Enrollment Assistance, Senior Housing, and more and more 

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Updated information coming soon. Updated information coming soon.Updated information coming soon.Updated information coming soon.

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Citizenship Classes, Citizenship Application,Green Card Renewal, Travel Permit, Work Permit, Legal Consultation, Interpretation, and more

are available. Please visit 

medical services

We have translation on site and free transportation in many cases.
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COPYRIGHT © 2023 Center for Pan Asian Community Services, Inc.
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